Friday, December 24, 2010

This just in...

Officially, best CHRISTMAS EVER!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I am definitely in Christmas spirits this year, I am a little ashamed to say this but, having a retail job that requires me constantly interacting with people has really helped. People are so sweet this time of year.
I feel so incredibly grateful to have so many amazing loved ones to surprise and spend the season with.
I know I promised I would be doing this more often but I have been ridiculously busy. Merry Christmas to myself I am taking a break.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I love fresh linen

Matthew please get here sooner.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Sometimes, I think about what it was like to wake up in a tiny place, feeling too warm and unsure of what it was I wanted. Or needed?
I am so grateful for everything I have right now. I mean that.

Goooooood Daaaaaaaaaaaay

I literally slept in until 10 minutes before I had to leave for work. Incredibly, I managed to get fully presentable and even quickly finish a cup of coffee. Grandma Hudon saves the day in her big blue navi <3

December 15th 2010...

Claires was ridiculous today. I did however, get to do two adorable piercings, one happened to be a 80- something year old woman, who was pulling through on a bet. She gave me her ID and explained that she was 18- just old enough to get her ears pierced.

I also found out I'm shooting the grand opening of the new " Chop Shop " on granville this Saturday,:)!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sometimes I think about you too

I should stop that...

Someone, please trump this.

I am yet to find a video I have watched willingly as many times... El Guincho- Bombay. Enjoy!

* * * *

I remember, sitting on my roof, watching fireworks and eating ice cream with someone special and knowing that it wasn't forever. I can't quite remember the exact day this happened, but Ive become so sentimental, and hold so dear to my heart every memory that I could ever write about. My most important piece of advice is to remember everything that challenges you, all of your hurts and embraces. Think about the imaginary golden lines connecting each person you meet right into your chest. How you have come from one place to the next, believe it or not.. largely in thanks to voices and opinions of others.


The empty section, section 1.

I have a new commitment, since hobble cat failed miserably, as far as my interest in it goes... I Ali Hudon, promise myself to update and review and spill myself at least twice a week into this little guy. Let's see where this goes. <3 Ali